During the JavaScript beginner's workshop, we will demystify the language and provide a clear and accessible introduction to. From the fundamentals of variables and functions to hands-on coding exercises, you'll begin your journey as a JavaScript developer.
2 days
max. 20
English or German
JavaScript is evolving quickly - like web development in general. But often, you don't have time to catch up with the latest features, improvements, planned changes, and best practices. This workshop will help you to get up to speed with the latest JavaScript features and best practices.
1 day
max. 20
English or German
As your Nuxt app grows, so does your backend. With time, your API evolves from a hand full of endpoints into an enormous jungle of resources. And you want to stay the king of the jungle! Learn to organize and abstract your API resources in this post.
Brotli, a somewhat new compression from Google is getting more and more traction. To minify your Nuxt.js application as good as possible, you should set up Brotli compression for it as well! Learn how to in this article.
Who can't relate to this: You've built a small portfolio page for someone (maybe a company, a friend or yourself) and the only API endpoint you'd need is one for a form. What now? In this article, I'll explain how to actually send emails and process forms...
Recently I stumbled upon a very interesting code sample which I had to review. As I'm a huge clean code advocate, I'll dissect the small code piece with you and explain several techniques that help to write clean, human-readable and maintainable code.
JavaScript can run almost anywhere nowadays - in the browser, on the server, in lambdas, and on the edge. And so do our Vue and Nuxt applications! Talking about Nuxt - Already when developing Nuxt 2, the goal was to keep the core lean and release additional functionalities as Nuxt modules, or as separate packages.
JavaScript is a language that is constantly evolving. Every year it gets new features and syntax updates. But with so many new features, it's easy to lose track.
The goal of the workshop was to teach people the fundamentals of the web: How the web works, the basics of the three main languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript and how to use them together.
The popularity of functional programming is without doubt, even in non-functional languages. It's rise is underpinned by Java, which now also includes functional paradigms in the language's core. This talk is perfect for people who never used map, reduce or filter, or for those who don't know a bit about the mentioned functions.