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Nuxt.js - Just Vue and a bit of magic?

Meta-frameworks have developed rapidly in recent years - and so did Nuxt with its latest major version Nuxt 3! But also in the seven minor releases after the big major launch, feature development didn't stop! Wonder what the fuzz is about? Let's have a look!

We will build a small application with Nuxt, check out Nitro, the new server engine of the meta framework, and eventually deploy our small app within minutes.

The best thing? Only basic knowledge of Vue and the Composition API is needed. Swing by and see why Nuxt is an amazing fit for your next project!

Photo of Alexander Lichter

Alexander Lichter

I'm Alex, a German web engineering consultant and content creator. Helping companies with my experience in TypeScript, Vue.js, and Nuxt.js is my daily business.

More about me

Further Talks & Podcasts

In the world of Single Page Applications, client-side rendering has long been the go-to method for rendering content. However, as SPAs have evolved, other rendering modes have emerged that offer different advantages and disadvantages. In my talk, we will explore why it's important to go beyond a blank page as initial request and explore different rendering modes like SSR, SSG, ISG and more.

The State of Nuxt

  • 2023-11-03

[GERMAN] Es war wieder so weit! Nach fast drei Jahren durfte ich mal wieder zu Gast bei den Jungs von der sein! Dieses mal quatschten Jan, Sebi und ich mal wieder über Nuxt, was sich in den letzten 3 Jahren so geändert hat und worauf wir uns zukünftig freuen dürfen!