In this episode of the PodRocket podcast, I had the pleasure to talk with LogRocket about Nuxt and Open Source, answering questions about how I joined the Core Team, what is needed to become a Nuxt contributor and how to get started with Nuxt.
After introducing myself, we talked about how I got into Nuxt and how I became a Nuxt contributor and team member. Briefly summarizing how I joined the core team, we talked about the passion and motivation that drives me to contribute to Nuxt and Open Source in general.
Eventually, we moved on to the question of what Nuxt as a meta framework does and how it compares to other frameworks. Then, the different rendering modes and understanding of them were thematized, including the difference between server-side rendering and static site generation.
I'm Alex, a German web engineering consultant and content creator. Helping companies with my experience in TypeScript, Vue.js, and Nuxt.js is my daily business.
More about meFurther Talks & Podcasts
Die Webentwicklung hat sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich gewandelt. Wo früher noch mit JSF und jQuery gearbeitet wurde, sind heute meistens Single Page Applications mit einem beliebigen Backend im Einsatz. Im heutigen Talk soll es aber vor allem um das Frontend gehen: Wir schauen uns gemeinsam an, welche Möglichkeiten man hat wenn man SPAs mit Vue schreibt und wieso NuxtJS, ein vue-basiertes Framework, so viel Komfort mitbringt. Dazu werden wir uns neben ein bisschen Theorie Nuxt 2 und die neue Nuxt 3 Beta anschauen (natürlich mit Live-Coding)!
The goal of the workshop was to teach people the fundamentals of the web: How the web works, the basics of the three main languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript and how to use them together.