
Below you can find a list of my talks, podcast appearances, given workshops and panels. If you are interested in more than just the excerpt, title and brief topics, click on the entry to get to the slides, videos or recording link!

2023 - My Recap

December 31, 2023
  • #personal
  • #nuxt

It is time to recap the year 2023! I want to share my personal and professional journey through the last 365 days, as well as my goals for 2024. From moving to another country over jumping back into content creation. Hard facts, numbers and insights included - I promise!

Integrate Sentry with your Nuxt 3 application - A Recipe

September 27, 2023
  • #nuxt
  • #unjs
  • #nitro
  • #composition-api

Sentry is a great tool to track errors and performance issues in your application - but the Nuxt module is not Nuxt 3 compatible yet. In this article, I'll show you how to integrate Sentry into your Nuxt 3 application, even before the module is ready and also share why it takes longer than you might think to build the module.

Dynamically enable SSR or SPA mode in a Nuxt 3 app

September 26, 2023
  • #nuxt
  • #ssr

Server Side Rendering does have some limitations, such as the inability to access platform-based APIs like local storage on the server side. However, what if you could activate SSR exclusively for pages that need SEO and employ the classic single-page application (SPA) mode for other pages? Discover how to achieve this in the following article.

Vue 3: How to load dynamic images

September 25, 2023
  • #vue
  • #nuxt
  • #vite

With the release of Vue 3, a lot of things became easier. Unfortunately, loading dynamic assets such as images is not one of them. In the following article, I want to demystify the process of dynamic asset loading in Vue 3 or Nuxt 3 and explain why static assets can be loaded easily...

Change the Nuxt 2 server error page

August 18, 2020
  • #nuxt

Almost every Nuxt.js developer has seen the "evil grey page" that is displayed after a server-side error (for example a failing API call in asyncData or fetch without a try-catch block around it). Pretty sure many of you want to change it to make it fit to your design.

What to do when Vue 2 hydration fails

April 14, 2020
  • #vue
  • #nuxt
  • #ssr
  • #jamstack
  • #hydration

SSR is amazing but also comes with errors you might have not seen before. Especially one problem still boggles lots of minds: When Vue Hydration fails. In this article we will take a look at possible reasons, explain what the error means and how to fix it.

How to load dynamic images in Vue 2 and Nuxt 2 with ease

August 18, 2019
  • #vue
  • #nuxt
  • #webpack

Loading images with a dynamic source often confuses developers that are new to Vue and Nuxt.js. In the following article, I want to demystify the process of dynamic image loading in Vue and Nuxt, and explain why static images can be loaded easily...

Going Jamstack with Netlify and Nuxt 2

January 29, 2019
  • #nuxt
  • #jamstack
  • #netlify
  • #cloudflare

Jamstack is a growing and modern web architecture. I gradually migrated several Nuxt.js projects from server side rendering over to JAMstack and write about my experiences, recommendations and the migration process itself.

My take on using Nuxt 2 with an API

January 11, 2019
  • #nuxt
  • #api

There are three common ways to integrate an API with Nuxt. In this blog post, I'll share my personal opinion regarding all of them, my typical procedure when deciding for one approach and the benefits and disadvantages for each of them.

2018 - My Recap

January 6, 2019
  • #personal
  • #nuxt

Wow! What. A. Year. 2018 lies in the past and I felt that this was by far the most productive year I had. On the other hand, I’m somewhat certain that this is not the end of the road...

Selectively enable SSR or SPA mode in a Nuxt.js 2 app

December 29, 2018
  • #nuxt

SSR comes with certain caveats, including no access to APIs like the local storage on server-side. But what if you could enable SSR only for pages where SEO is needed and use the "traditional" SPA mode elsewhere? You can! Learn how in this article.

Organize and decouple your API calls in Nuxt 2

November 22, 2018
  • #nuxt
  • #api
  • #javascript

As your Nuxt app grows, so does your backend. With time, your API evolves from a hand full of endpoints into an enormous jungle of resources. And you want to stay the king of the jungle! Learn to organize and abstract your API resources in this post.

The Guide To Write Universal SSR-ready Vue Components

October 20, 2018
  • #nuxt
  • #vue
  • #ssr

As a Vue developer, you may have heard the term server-side rendering. Even if you are not using a framework like Nuxt.js it is important to know how to write universal SSR-ready components. And guess what, it isn't even hard!

Nuxt 2 on Brotli

September 9, 2018
  • #nuxt
  • #brotli
  • #javascript
  • #compression

Brotli, a somewhat new compression from Google is getting more and more traction. To minify your Nuxt.js application as good as possible, you should set up Brotli compression for it as well! Learn how to in this article.

Sending emails through Nuxt 2

August 14, 2018
  • #nuxt
  • #javascript
  • #email

Who can't relate to this: You've built a small portfolio page for someone (maybe a company, a friend or yourself) and the only API endpoint you'd need is one for a form. What now? In this article, I'll explain how to actually send emails and process forms...

Refactoring code - A case study (#1 - Response handling)

August 14, 2018
  • #javascript
  • #clean-code
  • #refactoring

Recently I stumbled upon a very interesting code sample which I had to review. As I'm a huge clean code advocate, I'll dissect the small code piece with you and explain several techniques that help to write clean, human-readable and maintainable code.